Monday, July 21, 2008

Shelbyanne has been having many wonderful adventures this summer. She has done so well with all the traveling that we have been doing. She has played with friends that she hasn't seen in a while and made some new friends. Here are a few pictures of those adventures and friends.
Here is Shelbyanne with one of her many lizard friends she has met this summer.

Uncle Reed brought over this neat little 4 wheeler for her. She had a ball riding around on it. Her face just beamed everytime she rode it.

Shelbyanne loves hanging out with and helping her newest cousin, Baby Trystan.

On our way from Florida to Alabama we went to visit some friends near Atlanta. While we were there we were able to go pick blueberries. We had a blast.

Shelbyanne with a statue of a cow at the Chick-Fil-A headquarters near Atlanta.

Here she is playing with Abby Wozniak in the "ball room", as Abby calls it.

Shelbyanne has such a kind heart. She loves to hug statues that are her size. You can see the compassion on her face that she has for this man...or maybe it is the fact that she did not get to take a nap this day.

We made it to Daphne, AL. Here is Shelbyanne's Nana putting on her shoes so we could go visit family for the evening.